Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Best Laid Plans

I plan. It helps me feel that I am in control (of whatever).

I need to make plans otherwise I get caught up in moments and land miles away from where I needed to,
And a lot of times, unexpected things happen, situations change and so do plans. So, I usually have a plan-B and even a plan C for worst case situations. This approach has worked beautifully for work-related projects, managing household inventory and investments and even holidays. With people, the plans need to be a lot more elastic, but the overall idea usually worked.

And then came March 2020.

Campus closures and travel bans. Kids at home with nothing to do and nowhere to go. The whole family at home, the maid at her home, and all the office work to do. Flights cancelled for vacations on which now we anyway don’t plan to go. And I don’t even know what to plan for.

Priorities changed.
I have started checking Bigbasket and Amazon Fresh to see when they are restarting deliveries more frequently than I check Facebook or email. Instead of cribbing about work, I am thankful for jobs that are allowing us to go about ‘life as usual’.

Instead of planning for the future, I am living in gratitude in the present. Thankful that the family got to move together before we got locked out and doing my best to help those who could not. And instead of waiting for holidays and vacations and big-ticket purchases, am just waiting for the days when a safe cure is around to combat this fear, and we can get back to the routine, humdrum, boring old life.

And getting my maid back? I certainly have renewed appreciation for her work, but I would not fear her leaves so much any more. Of all the things that have given me confidence, learning to manage with limited resources, without maids, while keeping kids occupied and doing justice to my job among all this mayhem are the topmost.

I am grateful we have been able to cope well so far and hope the same for all. Sharing my prayers for those still in peril and fear, and hopes for a world that heals soon.

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