Thursday, July 2, 2020

Lock down: Three months and counting

Yes, the government ‘set us free’ almost a month ago, but my lockdown continues. Because my concerns and priorities are different. And because frankly, it hasn’t been that difficult for us to remain locked down.

Both my husband and I have been able to work full-time with the bonus of not having to commute through the traffic, and even travel across cities. Once they got over the frustrations with learning through the box, the kids continued with their classes online. As a family living across different states most of the time, we were thrilled to be together, grateful to be safe.

Learning to cope with the new normal had its unique challenges. I kept thinking of recording the lockdown experiences in a blog. 
But then, besides my usual excuse of no time, there was also a strange feeling holding me back.

A mix of guilt and regret. Guilt at having a good time when people were losing jobs, homes and loved ones. Conducting cooking experiments and enjoying family meals when people were dying trying to reach home. Regret at not being able to do anything much to help. I donated to a charity but looking at the sheer number of people setting of for distant homes in worn-out slippers, clutching on to their meagre belongings, that amount was a tiny drop in a bottomless ocean.
There were also the special challenges we faced as a family living together, locked down with just each other and no other face to face interaction with any other human being.

Some days were great fun, some were.. let’s say not so fun.
They were certainly a first in many ways, so it would be a shame not to record them.

Let me start with the last 3+ months and then try to record the present too.

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