Saturday, February 15, 2020

Giving up-Not

Isn’t creating targets and deadlines for something you are doing for yourself self-defeating? Why stress yourself out, force yourself to do something which you love doing anyway?

Because otherwise I’d never do the thing I love to do.

I wrote non-stop in December in January, almost writing the same number of posts that I had written ever since I started this blog, ten years ago. Yeah TEN. I started it as a stress buster and because I liked putting words together and watching stories emerge. I became a part of a group who enjoyed reading each other’s words and that kept all of us going.

And then other things took over. It wasn’t that life got busier, it was always crazy, but I am not sure why the habit just broke. I made a few full-intentioned but half-hearted attempts to get back but couldn’t get back. No one was reading my posts anymore, so there were no commitments to uphold.

A promise made me realize, I could write regularly (even if it wasn’t always sensible or coherent). Managing time was stressful, so after the 2nd month, I decided not to make a commitment anymore. To write only when I had the time and the story. And I didn’t write anything for the next half a month.

Everyone may not need them, but I have realized I do need a clock to run, even if I am not running in a race.

So here’s another valiant attempt at keeping the blog going, even if there is no set direction. A post you start with just keying in the words and hoping time would just appear.

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