Friday, January 31, 2020


I blogged every-day for two full months! Missed one day in January but managed to make it on every other day. Some days I barely put together some sensible sentences, on some days, I got carried away by my own stories.

A week into the 2nd month, I was flying on adrenaline. If I could force myself to write regularly, why not exercise and diet. So I added two more resolutions to my day.

And pushed myself to become thin and a writer over the next three weeks.
If you have about my old history with exercise, you already know what happens next. 

Monitoring my weights on the electronic weighing machine did not make a difference-it would move up by 800g after every weekend. I would walk faster and longer in the evenings and skip the samosa and eat the sprouts instead. My bones would be creaking, all the joints would keep screeching and squabling. Google fit would give me the heart points to cheer me on but the weighing machine would show that all I could accomplish was lose those 800g by Friday. And I was so bored of eating the healthy stuff that I had to binge on biryani on the third weekend and I refused to check my weight after that.

I realized that I was just as bad as keeping resolutions as ever.

I could stick to blogging, because in spite of all the moaning and groaning, I was happy writing. I was happy venting out in words. I was happy revisiting places in my mind and sharing them with the world. 

I am happy when I get to play with words and that is why I will continue writing. Not because of another challenge of the month, but just because I have more stories to tell.

It won’t be every day for sure, but just whenever I get the chance.
I just hope some of you keep reading 😊.

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