Sunday, January 5, 2020

Talking to the universe

I often think irrationally, act impulsively and write crazy stuff-but being a product of our times, I also need logic. Hence, I find it difficult to believe in the concept of the universe listening to us, reacting to what we say and steering us in a certain direction.

Empirical evidence says otherwise.

I have felt the universe conspiring against my resolutions, testing me or just laughing at me every time I make big promises-be it about exercise, or doing certain tasks and especially writing. The universe as governed by Murphy’s laws more than Newton’s.

For a long time, it was the children and their priorities. Yesterday it was Mr. Google (yeah, he is very much a person permeating ether haunting our very existence). He told me to clear up my drive and that he had started deleting my photos arranged meticulously into folders since the last 10 years.

I spent the entire evening moving the folders back to the laptop-the last laptop had crashed and hence I had started trusting google-and this what he does to me. Or maybe it’s just the universe. It took five hours to move out 4% of the data. 

And that was the writing time of the day, twice over.

On other days, it is my own list of tasks-all of them become urgent, important the moment my laptop switches on. I remember I had to call the pest-control guy and run the washing machine in time for the clothes to dry and order groceries and…. I have started keeping a pen and paper handy for jotting down all the memory bursts that popup when I am supposed to write.

It has been an interesting experience-I remembered what happened on this day 21 years ago when we did not have Facebook memory notifications.

Coming back to Mr Google’s sabotage, the exercise made me re-look at memories from 2008 onwards (yeah, I am that ancient) and the travel experiences and how those pictures can be wiped out by technology unless we catalog
and share them over and over again.

That and a comment by Priya who discovered a travel blog I had started and dropped out of a decade ago.

Is that the universe talking?


  1. You are still writing! And that is all that matters. :)

    Reminds me that I need to call for pest control too. :P

    1. Yeah. Still writing, don't know how. Keep wishing me strength!
      And I guess you too would have to run the washing machine....
