Friday, March 5, 2010

Coming Back

It’s been so long..

..that I had the time to write,

..the space to think,

..the energy to key in a few words,

..the enthusiasm to spin the words,

..the will to make the effort,

So trying hard to get back-yet again and I start with again with saying a big Thank You to those of you who are still with me in my travails and tales…


  1. Am still here :) And had been wondering why you haven't been posting :)

  2. Smitha: Thanks so much. explanations some day..

    Sakhi: Oh Thanks. It is such a warm feeling to be with you all again

    Thank you Ramit, I'll try n be regular now (fingers crossed!) How have you been?

  3. Very much here. Thot u were busy with the bdays and ws waiting to read the details :)

  4. Hi Swaram-yes I was busy with the bdays and a lot more. I didn't write abt the details bcoz I was short of time and also bcoz I thought I had written so much abt the bdays
