Monday, February 22, 2010

Time out

Right now I am at moving in overdrive-the moments are whizzing by before I can capture them...

Struggling to do too many things...
Balancing, prioritizing, stumbling and yet loving every moment.

A friend congratulated me on completing 10 years of motherhood.

I wrote back clarifying that it actually 10+7=17 years.

No, she wrote, it's 17*365*24*60*60 seconds. Each second you are a mother.

It is a lifetime.
It is eternity.

And it is a roller-coaster!


  1. :D :D good that i am not so good a math! :D

  2. 'It is a lifetime.
    It is eternity.

    And it is a roller-coaster!' Could not agree more :) But would not change anything about it either :)

  3. Sakhi: That is too much maths. I am not sure any computer can measure motherhood-we don't even have a unit for it.

    Swaram: Which one-the roller coaster? That is the closest thing I can identify with...

    Smitha: Yes, I too wouldn't want to change any bit of it. Except perhaps-pray for more strength to hang on..
