Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year

The blogathon is over. Now you can go back to your assignments, my daughter insisted, and start with a regular walk at that time.

Yeah, I need to do those too. And a hundred other tasks.

But I am not done writing yet.
So I will continue to post (fingers crossed) for this month too.

Some posts may be too short,
Some may not make sense,
Some may even get missed,
But I am not giving up,
And that for me is this new year,
Another chance to live,
Another chance to write,
Another chance that I am not letting go off.
Wishing all of you new chances in the new year!
Hope it’s a wonderful one for you.


  1. Hey! Hopped over from Swaram's... loved reading some of your posts.
    Happy new year and best wishes with your resolve to continue the blogathon :)

    1. Thanks so much. It's this interaction which helps us go on. Will check out your posts. Happy New Year!

  2. Wow! You are actually doing this! Good luck. :)
