Thursday, January 16, 2020

Half-way down the month!

The month is half-over; half left to go.

It’s been good going, but it is time to plan the goodbye.

The first month it was about pushing myself to get into the discipline of logging and posting everyday-no matter what.

There were times I posted half in sleep, drafted a couple of posts on flights on travels and posted them on landing, drafted a few in advance to make up for the days I knew it will not be possible to log in, and some I posted even though they didn’t make complete sense, for the sake of putting that check on my list.
Some of my posts may seem not-so-sensible anyway, but they should at least make sense to me, or I will not post-that was the second month’s resolution as I was excited about my success at managing to complete the first month’s challenge.

Half-way through the second month, now I have proved to myself I can do it.
The next question is it worth the stress and the effort?

So far, YES. Because it helped me get back in the flow, reminded me of the joy of writing and gave me a big boost of satisfaction.

But in taking on this and a parallel fitness challenge, I have realized that I have left a few important ones slip. Things that are more important from a life-plan perspective.

So yes, I am glad I kept on at the challenge.
And no, I am not quitting half-way through.

But yes, it’s time to plan ahead. To take other priorities up with the same zeal or just stubborn resolve.

I’ll continue to blog. But maybe make it a weekly instead of a daily challenge. That may give me time to think and compose my posts or maybe at times, still post in zombie mode once in a while. Let’s see.

There is half a month of the daily challenge yet to go. Let's see how that tuens out first.

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