Friday, December 27, 2019

Lessons from blogging everyday-II

In the previous blogging avatar, writing came naturally. I wrote when I had the time (I have no clue how I found the time). It was more about sharing snippets of my life, trying to keep myself sane. And I had a group-bloggers like me who wrote regularly, read my posts, shared their reactions through comments. I think that kept me on. Sometimes a single comment would make me write another post.

This time it was one big exercise. I know for sure Swaram was reading my posts, that and my stubborn resolve kept me going.

Maybe some of the posts didn’t make much sense to anyone else, but each of them was a big learning for me. Each of them was a reassurance that I could take out this time and complete what I promised. A few months ago, while talking of my writing and exercise, a close friend had told me to face the fact that I was not a ‘upholder’. I was better off working a salaried job than trying to write on my own; joining a class than promising to exercise. I agreed with her.

This month of blogging gave me hope that maybe I could be a ‘upholder’. A month is not very long-maybe it would take three months to really prove myself-but it felt very long. Taking out time every day, that too when my kid is at home (After her semester starts, I’ll probably not meet her for five months).

There have been days when I was very late reaching home. There were days of travel. Of visitors and of precious family time. I have written a couple of posts using my phone while on a flight and some which I have written without knowing in advance what I was writing about.

I am so thankful and glad; I could do it.


  1. Happy to read that. Here's to all of us being upholders!

    I mostly did this because while I have always believed that we don't have, but make time for what we love, I somehow kept this at bay. Now the task is to keep at it. :)

    1. We dont always make the time for what we love, what we need to do, external commitments take over-this was an exercise at reclaiming time for ourselves, but yes, one month is not enough. Here's to Jan!
