Teach your sons about consent. It is the patriarchal mindset that need to change. Men should be brought up to respect women.
I agree with all these statements. But I feel helpless. I know a lot of mothers who are teaching their sons about consent. I know a lot of men who respect women. And I know they are a small minority. There still are a lot of animals around us and they could be anyone, anywhere.
We still need to worry about our daughters. Yes, they should have the right to travel alone, to come home at the time they want to, to wear what they like to, to go out when they want to.
I wish I could assure my daughters about their rights. But I cannot. Because in the dystopian world we live in, rights may lead to a court case running for a decade, but they can't keep you safe. The law makers and enforcers can't keep you safe and neither can the society. There are molestors and abusers and rapists and murderers amongst the people who walk around you and you have to take care of your safety at all times.
You are the one who has to be vigilant, alert, connected, the one to avoid lonely streets on dark nights. You have to make sure you reach home safe.
For no matter how much I want to change the world for you, I know there is a long way to go. Till then let us do all we can, to keep ourselves safe.