Friday, July 9, 2010

Gym Update

I resolved not to be too put off by the PT, and crawled with my aching muscles, into that attic full of monstrosities again. 

They have out up a new height v/s weight chart. According to this one, I am just 6 (and not 11) kg.s overweight. 

I like this room a lot better now.


  1. You know, everytime I log into my WiiFit, it tells me that at this rate, I have no chance of meeting my target, so I change my target, and then again log in after months to change it again :)

    As for the weight, I try to tell myself, fitness is what matters not the weight ;)

  2. Thanks Swaram

    Hey Smitha: Thanks for the new Mantra! You are so right :)
